Insights Into Things
Insights Into Things is a podcast network bringing unique perspectives and deep dives into some of the every day things we deal with on a regular basis. From the trials and tribulations teenagers face, to mysteries and frustrations of today‘s technology, to perspectives on historical events and how they affect us today right down to the latest in pop culture and entertainment news. Insights Into Things offers shows that provide perspective, knowledge and insights into things that matter to you. Insights Into Things, insightful podcasts by informative hosts

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 42 "Disney Plussing the PC"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
By all accounts Disney+ is a smash success...or is Disney just fibbing on their subscriber numbers? We'll talk subscriptions and some controversial decisions and disclaimers on some content from the new streaming network. We'll also look at some exceptionally rare Disney items coming up for auction. Daisey Ridley gives us four words to describe The Rise of Skywalker, Spongebob's Squidward is getting a spinoff and new movie while Nickelodeon throws it's had into the streaming service market and we pay tribute to the bad guy everyone loves to hate from The Walking Dead before we finish up with a couple of great new shows in our Insightful Picks of the Week.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 42 "Respect"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Respect is like money. It takes time and effort to earn but can be squandered very easily. This week we talk about what respect is, why it is important not only in our youth but all through life. We'll explore the various ways in which we show each other respect and how to build a model of respect for society. Finally we'll explore ways that parents can help build a culture of respect for our children and set the right example, encouraging our children to be respectful not only of others but most importantly respectful of themselves.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 41 "May The Flight Be With You"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Star Wars is in the Disney Detective again this week with a new United Airlines Star Wars themed plan as well as Carrie Fishers daughter Billie Lourd's thoughts on being the keeper of the Princess Leia legacy and we'll look at Disney walking back some charges after a backlash and class action lawsuit. DC is in the Entertainment news with casting details for some of the villains in the next installment of the Batman franchise as well as Box Office profitability news on the results of the Joker and we'll cap it off with a touching surprise appearance by Tina Turner at opening night of a new Broadway musical about her life and experiences. As always we'll finish with our Insightful picks of the week.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 41 "Screen Violence"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
This week we take a look at screen violence in the form of video games, television and movies. We look at the different types of violence and the effect it has on today's youth. We'll look at some interesting statistics and several studies that offer insights into both sides of the argument of whether screen violence leads to violence in today's youth. Then we'll take a look at what parents can do to help teens cope with the violence that is so prevalent in our current media and entertainment.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 40 "Vampires Zombies and More"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
It's an all Star Wars Disney Detective this week as we try to figure out why Disney seems to want to hide Hayden Christensen. Some sage words of advice from Anthony Daniels on the lead up to the next Star Wars Movie and some candid thoughts Lawrence Kasdan on why Solo: A Star Wars Story wasn't much of a success. In entertainment news we look at thew new Dracula series coming to Netflix, then we talk Walking Dead with some of the shows stars swearing off a popular convention and Daryl himself Norman Reedus reflects on his time with the show from the beginning and we'll wrap up with a couple of great Insightful Picks of the Week.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 40 "Mother/Daughter Q and A"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
We hit another ten episode milestone so it's time for another Q&A sessions. This time around Madison wanted to get to know mommy a bit more. Asking over thirty questions we take a look at some of the things mommy remembers most fondly about Madison growing up. We take a look at what is still the funniest memory in the form a short home movie, we'll look at what her favorite song was and some of her "firsts". We'll also get a chance to look at our aspiring artists early hand at visual arts. It's a tear jerking walk down memory lane as we get to learn even more about Madison through the eyes of he mother Michelle Whalen. Another great podcast and surely one to enjoy.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Tomorrow: Episode 1 "Presidential Impeachment"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
In this episode we explore the nature and definition of presidential impeachment while looking at how it has been employed in the past. We look at what the process entails, how it should be employed and how congress is using it in the modern world. We also look at the current process underway, examine the merits of the facts and explore the impact such actions will have on the future of our country.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 39 "Lies and Allegations"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
We explore a lot of Marvel and Star Wars news in our Disney Detective this week. Jeremy Renner may loose his Hawkeye role over allegations made by his ex-wife. Ewan McGregor confesses to lying to the fans for four years about the continuing story of Obi-Wan, and Mark Hamill sums up the final Last Jedi Trailer perfectly. In Entertainment News Martin Scorsese gets some backing by Francis Ford Coppola in his crusade against super hero movies, while Jon Favreau addresses those criticisms. We'll talk about the opening of the largest indoor theme park in North American and look at the trailer for the latest The Walking Dead spinoff. We'll cap off a busy news week with some great Halloween themed Insightful Picks on one that's a bit outside our usual realm of picks. All for another great podcast.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Teens: Episode 39 "Leadership"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
This week we're talking about teens and leadership. We'll look at what leadership is, the traits of a good leader and why leadership skills are so important to teens as the grow up. We'll also take a look at how parents can help teach their kids leadership skills and learn how to cope with the challenges of life both in their youth and as the progress into adulthood.

Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 38 "A Marvelous Proposal"
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
We start this week off with a brief editorial on the strong arm tactics of Disney Entertainment which resulted in us having to edit out scenes from a recent Disney trailer. Then we move on to discuss the new VR experience Avengers: Damage Control, we'll take a look at a new promotion that will pay participants $1,000 to binge watch Disney movies and take a look at a heart warming experience by Captain Marvel herself Brie Larson at a recent convention. In entertainment news Martin Scorsese is once again attacking a movie genre that has proven immensely more successful than his own preferred niche of movie styles and JJ Abrams looks to offer some hope to Star Wars fans that Rian Johnson didn't put the final nail in the Star Wars franchise coffin with some encouraging news. In our Insightful Picks of the Week both Michelle and Joe go a bit outside their normal comfort zones with a couple of very unique and interesting picks, making this another great podcast this week.